Speaking at A*StartCentral

Updated: February 2024 Reading Time: 1 minute

We kicked off the new year with our first presentation focused on technology licensing deals!

Our Managing Director Faith Sing and Senior Associate Jonathan Tan took the stage to discuss licensing as a commercialization model, diving deep into some key provisions of a licensing agreement.

This presentation was part of A*StartCentral’s LUCK (Levelling Up Competencies Kit) program, where we had the opportunity to engage with scientists looking to commercialize their inventions.

A special thanks to A*StartCentral for hosting us, and to Mango Loo and Anthony Chong for extending the invitation to share our expertise!


About us

fsLAW is a boutique business law firm group providing legal solutions and advocacy for clients in the Asia Pacific region from Singapore. We provide our services through retainers as well as in the traditional way of an hourly or daily rate or fixed-quote for projects.

Read more about us –  www.fslaw-asia.com. Get in touch – faith.sing@fslaw-asia.com.

Business law solutions from set-up to growth

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